Your holistic one-to-one doula accompaniment through pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and your womanhood

Doula for pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum — naturinstinkt

Since 2013, I have been accompanying parents in Luxembourg and the border region (Germany, France, Belgium) as a doula on their way to a fulfilling and self-determined pregnancy, birth, postpartum and womanhood.

I gave birth to 4 wonderful boys and was able to feel the positive effect of a birth preparation with hypnobirthing on my own body. I was so enthusiastic about this birth experience that I completed my hypnobirthing training in 2013, and since then many further training courses have been added, Therapeutic Women Massage (TFM), Rebozo Massages and Closing Ritual, Baby wearing (Trageschule Hamburg), Pregnancy and Postpartum Yoga, Forest bathing (in training), Humanistic Hypnosis, and many hours of smaller trainings.

And that's how my doula journey began in 2013... a great passion, the way of my heart... which has been unstoppable ever since.

I feel deeply connected to MotherEarth and my instincts. I always listen to my heart feeling, which shows me the right way.

With my doula work, I want to awaken this deep trust in the women I am allowed to accompany.

I love to travel and am a passionate vegetable farmer.

It is this great admiration, in this perfect nature, everything grows and thrives in harmony with MotherEarth.



    -Hypnobirthing individual or group from 460€ (also online)

    -TFM (Therapeutesch Fraemassage) 120€

    -Rebozo Massage 120€

    -Baby wearing from 65€ (also online)

    -Coaching from 65€ (also online)

    -Blessingway from 190€

    -Individual Retreat incl. Birth prep with Hypnobirthing (2 weeks) from 990€

    -Pregnancy Yoga from 15€ (also online)


    Doula Birth support (not medical) at your home, hospital or birthing centre with on-call service 24/7 from 37 week to 42 week

    (Available as a complete package with birth preparation, birth support and postpartum support)

    from 550€


    -Rebozo Closing Ritual (4 hands massage, full bath with special herbs, clothing with Rebozo’s) together with Natascha-Doula 420€

    -Mini closing ritual (Belly massage and closing with the rebozo’s) 190€

    -healing bath (Ritual for birth-traumas) 170€

    -TFM (Therapeutic woman massage) 120€

    -Postpartumdoula, to support you in your postpartum (cooking for the family, support you in your breastfeeding and first baby time, washing clothes, etc … being a support for you) From 120€

    -Baby wearing course from 65€


    Hypnosis Session 120€

    -Rebozo clothing ritual together with Natascha-Doula 420€

    -Rebozo Massage 110€

    -Blessingway from 190€

    -TFM (Therapeutic woman massage) 110€

    -Reiki from 60€

    -single retreat (price on demand)

    -single retreat incl. HypnoBirthing course (2 weeks) from 990€

    -Woman circle

    -Forest bathing



  • 40€

  • 06/05/24






    via Zoom in LU

    460€ per Couple/Mother

  • 06/06/24





    from 18h00-20h30

    via Zoom in LU

    460€ per Couple/Mother

  • registrations are open, we will choose the dates together

  • registrations are open, we will choose the dates together

  • My courses are always possible 1-1

  • Si tu cherches à renouer avec la femme sauvage qui vibre en toi, si tu veux partager une expérience intense de sororité, si tu veux explorer les profondeurs de ton féminin, si tu es prête à ressentir toute ta puissance… alors cette retraite est pour toi !

    Pour qui ?

    Que tu aies de 17 à 77 ans, que tu viennes d’avoir tes premières lunes ou bien que tu ne les aies plus, que tu soies mère ou non, que tu souhaites des enfants ou pas.

    Pour y faire quoi ?

    Sandy et Sonia te proposent de venir renouer le lien qui nous unie à la Terre Mère, dans un environnement sécure et bienveillant : Cercles de parole, méditation, ateliers autour des plantes sauvages comestibles et médicinales, pratiques créatives seront entre autre au programme.

    Où ?

    Dans un cadre de nature sauvage et préservée, vous serez accueilli à la Pauzette, dans un gîte magique avec espace détente (bain nordique et sauna), jardin, dans la montagne des Pyrénées Ariégeoises, à Boussenac (Fr).

    Tarif ?

    370€ prix earlybird (jusqu'au 1er mai) et 420€ en prix latebird. Ce prix inclus l’hébergement en chambre partagée et la nourriture végétarienne et bio

    Possibilité de supplément hébergement pour les 3 nuits (sous réserve de disponibilité) :

    -en yourte (pour 3 personnes max) : +100€/par personne

    -en roulotte (pour 1 personne) : +100€

    inscription auprès de Sandy ( ou 621722069)


    Sonia ( ou 0033 (0)679193491)

    (lien FB de l’événement)

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to ride them”

Jon Kabat-Zinn